Form - Communication Proposal for the 11th CAPP Student Seminar

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Consultation :

In addition to a stimulating conference on scientific publishing, the organizers of the 10th colloquium 2017 offer the possibility of participating in practical training workshops in research methodology during the colloquium. We would like to have your opinion about the choice of training workshops among three options.

Pour un survol de cette méthode, nous vous prions de lire Lemercier, C. (2005). Analyse de réseaux et histoire. Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine, no52-2,(2), 88-112.
Pour un survol de cette méthode, nous vous prions de lire Marchive, A. (2012). Introduction. Les pratiques de l'enquête ethnographique. Les Sciences de l'éducation - Pour l'Ère nouvelle, vol. 45,(4), 7-14.


Before submitting your proposal, we ask you to confirm the following by putting your initials at the end.

Written communication: I understand that each participant in the colloquium must prepare a written communication to be submitted no later than May 1, 2017. This classical scientific text could possibly be the subject of a scientific publication or a chapter of my thesis. My written communication must be at least 15 pages double-spaced (including abstract, notes, references, figures and tables). Ideally, my text should not exceed 30 pages double-spaced, 12-point font size in Times New Roman, including abstract, notes, references, figures and tables, which is the standard for submissions to the magazine Politique et Societies of the Société québécoise de science politique. The organising committee may use my proposal in the colloquium program and other related communications.

Oral Communication: JI understand that each participant will also make an oral 15-minute presentation followed by a presentation by a commentator and a discussion period. Oral communications are in PowerPoint or Prezi form ( or a similar tool.

Critical Commentary:   I understand that each participant is responsible for preparing a 7-10 minute commentary on the oral and written communication of another participant in order to foster dialogue and constructive criticism. Each commentator presents an assessment of the strengths and areas for improvement and questions or comments that may stimulate reflection and discussion following the presentation and commentary. 

The organizing committee will provide me with a preparation guide if my proposal is accepted.